Thank you to our main conference sponsor

We are a specialist FX risk management and payments provider. We work closely with our insolvency and restructuring practitioner partners to understand the currency risks and opportunities of the businesses they work with, helping them to execute payments and currency management strategies. This can help drive tangible benefits for cashflow, liquidity and forecasting for their clients during advisory, pre-insolvency planning or formal insolvency appointments.

Evening Drinks Sponsor (two available)

  • Acknowledgements by conference chair, at opening and closing of conference.
  • Two delegate places at the conference (accommodation not included).
  • Specific branding at the drinks event(s) on the evening of the conference. 
  • Two places for Thursday drinks reception
  • Company logo on pre-event marketing as drinks sponsor
  • Half-page ad in the conference delegate pack.
  • Logo on the conference delegate pack.
  • A communication pack to support your marketing team’s involvement in the conference.
  • Social media exposure to our 8K+ followers.
  • Company profile, logo, social media posts and links to company website on Annual Conference website.


(+ VAT)

Lunch Sponsor (one available)

  • Highlight/ exposure in all promotional activity including email, brochures, website, linked, and all other promotional activity.
  • Acknowledge as lunch sponsor
  • Branding and/or exhibitor stand at the event
  • Two delegate places


(+ VAT)

Tea and Coffee Break Sponsor (One available)

  • Highlight/ exposure in all promotional activity including email, brochures, website, linked, and all other promotional activity.
  • Branding and/or exhibitor stand at the event
  • One delegate place


(+ VAT)